Take last night as a typical example of well intentioned people who simply refuse to accept the facts. A local screening of the documentary "Poor No More" at a community health centre with lots of "grassroots" organizations and groups, lots of kindhearted and sincere individuals, but totally hardwired into the current system, and still operating under the misguided notion that "political involvement" and "political action" is going to make a lick of difference to influence the power/financial elite to share in their profits. Profits and the corporatocracy that has overtaken the planet. Yet these naive fools want to do more of the same, and hope to get different results. I believe that is the textbook definition of "insanity".
Yet, they don't see the obvious even though it is screaming in their faces.
MONEY IS THE PROBLEM!! The monetary system isn't just "out of whack" or "misaligned", IT IS CORRUPT!!
It's the old adage about changing the system from inside. Never seen it happen yet. Not in politics, not in finance, not in law, nowhere. So I don't know why people insist on pursuing these tried and failed methods. Same goes for marches, demonstrations and the rest.
You want to have an impact on the system that it won't be able to ignore?
Stop buying up all this crap you don't need and can ill afford. Quit driving your gas-guzzling truck to the corner store for a carton of milk. Cease consuming and discarding without thought to the planet. Have some consideration for others and the planet at large when deciding on whether or not to purchase/consume something. But most of all, stop and think about how you spend your time, energy and money/resources.
Democracy - this has to be the biggest crock to be sold to the masses since the "pet rock". Before you get all defensive think about this critically. There is this propagated notion that we live in a "democracy" and that our voice is heard through the electoral process. Riiiiiight. Did you vote for the wars? Did you vote for the GST? Did you vote to have your salary frozen? Did you vote to have the "special needs diet" cut for welfare recipients? Did you vote to have the richest 1% of the population pay next to no income or corporate gains tax? Noooooo?????!?!?! WOW!! Guess we don't live in a democracy after all. Shocking, no? Stop wasting your time with voting. It is ineffective. Want to have a real impact? If you insist on undertaking this fruitless process, at least spoil the ballot before casting it. Think about the impact and the message it would send to The Powers That Be if 80% of the population rejected them and their voting. If only 10% of the population turned out, do you think TPTB might take notice? You think perhaps the corporate backed mass media might report on it? It's worth finding out I say. Doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for different outcomes is insanity.
Education - As someone once said "Don't let school get in the way of a good education". This is especially true today where the masses are being dumbed down to the point of being drooling idiots. Turn off that damned television, there is little worthy of your time on it. Between the psychotic commercials and the "reality" shows and the general stupidity that passes for entertainment, is enough to transform the average person into Forrest Gump.
Stay informed by the alternative media outlets like The Real News Network. Get information from somewhere other than the power elite with a vested interest in keeping us ignorant and maliable. Teach the next generation to think and be critical of what they see and hear and read.
Mostly, take back control of your life and don't ever say "No one ever told me". It's your life, it's your responsibility. Don't be a victim.