These T.H.O.W. are the property of their rightful owners, I am merely using the images for those readers that might be unfamiliar with the T.H.O.W concept.
We haven't settled on a floor plan yet, need to get other things in place first. Like securing a build site. We have the property to place it on when completed, but living in the city and shipping resources 4 hours away, isn't feasible. We want to re-purpose and reuse and be as carbon negative as possible. The THOW will be completely off grid, and made from as much of the 3 R's as possible.
First we need a space big enough and as far removed from residential areas as possible. Like the back parking lot of a suburban hardware big box store.
Then a flat bed trailer and separately a shipping container to place the materials needed.
Then gather the needed resources and start assembling.
I have no idea how long all this will take. Or how much it will cost. I have seen nice THOW that are roughly 8ft wide x 15ft long, or some that are around 175 sq/ft and they range in price from a few thousand dollars to 15-20 thousand and up. Most of the cost is dependent on how much the owner can do themselves and how much of the material they can reuse and recycle and so on.
We would rather take it slower and gather good quality materials that will be built to last, rather than slap together something half properly done. This THOW will be living in northern Ontario where winters are no small matter and will have to last a few years until we gather the resources to build our Earthship.
So, having taken the weekend long workshop on THOW building with Tumbleweed Homes, having seen countless examples of how it can be done, it is now time to start putting it together.Stay tuned for updates and related news. The movement is reaching critical mass.
If you'd like to contribute to our fundraising campaign - T.H.O.W. Fundraising